Memoire SD log shield for Arduino with RTC and a square pads prototyping area

SD log shield with RTC and a square pads prototyping area for Arduino

SD Card support

  • Allows backup of a large amount of data on SD card and PC retrieval
  • Support SdFat library for SD FAT16/FAT32 SC/HC cards
  • 3V3 regulator on the shield

Real Time Clock

  • Adding date and time data based on the component I2C DS1307
  • Support the standard library DS1307
  • Date accessed using the format year / month / day of week / hour / minute / seconds
  • Time adjustable 12h with info AM / PM or 24H
  • Backup Time on lithium battery (lasting 10 years if 48mAh)
  • Corrections leap years, months with less than 31 days
  • SQW output signal (square wave) Programmable 1Hz (for pulse every second, or 4kHz or 8kHz or 32kHz)
  • Clock not subject to bug date before 100 years