ATMEL ATmega32 +---\\---+ (XCK/T0) D0 PB0 01| |40 PA0 AI7 D31 (ADC0) (T1) D1 PB1 02| |39 PA1 AI6 D30 (ADC1) (INT2/AIN0) D2 PB2 03| |38 PA2 AI5 D29 (ADC2) (OC0/AIN1) D3 PB3 04| |37 PA3 AI4 D28 (ADC3) (SS) D4 PB4 05| |36 PA4 AI3 D27 (ADC4) (MOSI) D5 PB5 06| |35 PA5 AI2 D26 (ADC5) (MISO) D6 PB6 07| |34 PA6 AI1 D25 (ADC6) (SCK) D7 PB7 08| |33 PA7 AI0 D24 (ADC7) RESET 09| |32 AREF VCC 10| |31 GND GND 11| |30 AVCC XTAL2 12| |29 PC7 D23 (TOSC2) XTAL1 13| |28 PC6 D22 (TOSC1) (RXD) D8 PD0 14| |27 PC5 D21 (TDI) (TXD) D9 PD1 15| |26 PC4 D20 (TDO) (INT0) D10 PD2 16| |25 PC3 D19 (TMS) (INT1) D11 PD3 17| |24 PC2 D18 (TCK) (OC1B) D12 PD4 18| |23 PC1 D17 (SDA) (OC1A) D13 PD5 19| |22 PC0 D16 (SCL) (ICP1) D14 PD6 20| |21 PD7 D15 (OC2) +--------+
Arduino на Atmega32A – 16 Mhz – собрал вот такую Ардуинку, залил туда bootloader Arduino. Все отлично работает. Собрал также USB-UART модуль на CP2102.
- Download project or zip file attached to this instructables.
- Locate file boards.txt in arduino folder …arduino-1.5.2\hardware\arduino\avr\boards.txt
- Append information from zip archive boards.txt to original boards.txt
- Make a folder named mega32 in …arduino-1.5.2\hardware\arduino\avr\variants
- Copy file pins_arduino.h from the zip into folder created at step 4.
- Start Arduino IDE and select board.
- Select programmer 16mhz mega32-16.upload.protocol=arduino mega32-16.upload.speed=19200 mega32-16.upload.maximum_size=32000 mega32-16.bootloader.low_fuses=0xEF mega32-16.bootloader.high_fuses=0x89![]()