Архив рубрики: ARM
Maple Native Beta!
ARM mbed NXP LPC1768 Development Board
- Convenient form-factor: 40-pin DIP, 0.1-inch pitch
- Drag-and-drop programming, with the board represented as a USB drive
- Best-in-class Cortex-M3 hardware:
- 100 MHz ARM with 64 KB of SRAM, 512 KB of Flash
- Ethernet, USB OTG
- Easy-to-use online tools:
- Web-based C/C++ programming environment
- Uses the ARM RealView compile engine
- API-driven development using libraries with intuitive interfaces
- Comprehensive help and online community
- ARM mbed NXP LPC1768 Development Board
- MBED_v2.1.lbr
Оценочный набор STM32VLDiscovery
- Features
- STM32F100RB microcontroller, 128 KB Flash, 8 KB RAM in 64-pin LQFP
- On-board ST-Link with selection mode switch to use the kit as a stand-alone ST-Link (with SWD connector)
- Designed to be powered by USB or an external supply of 5 V or 3.3 V
- Can supply target application with 5 V and 3 V
- Two user LEDs (green and blue)
- One user push button
- Extension header for all QFP64 I/Os for quick connection to prototyping board or easy probing
- STM32: Урок 1 – Настраиваем IDE
- STM32: Урок 2 – Quickstart
- STM32: Урок 3 – Документация
- STM32: Урок 4 – GPIO
STM32 F103RB: a 32-bit ARM Cortex M3 microprocessor
- STM32 F103RB: a 32-bit ARM Cortex M3 microprocessor
- Clock Speed: 72 MHz
- Operating Voltage: 3.3V
- Input Voltage (recommended): 3.0V-12V
- 39 Digital I/O Pins (GPIO)
- 16 Analog Input Pins
- 12-bit ADC resolution (ADC)
- 15 PWM pins at 16-bit resolution (PWM)
- Dedicated USB port for programming and communications (USB)
- External JTAG interface (USB)
- 128 Flash and 20KB SRAM
- 64 Channel nested vector interrupt handler (including external interrupt on GPIO’s)
- Integrated SPI (SPI)
- Integrated I2C (I2C)
- 7 Channels of Direct Memory Access (DMA)
- 3 USART divices (USART)
- Four 4-channel Timers (Timers)
- Supplies up to 800mA @ 3.3v
- Support for low power and sleep modes (<500uA)